All the gifts are finally wrapped, packed and on the way to Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan. I wish we could have gotten pictures that would show all of you how nice everything is that the 17 kids in Family #9 at the RBS Orphanage will be getting for their Holiday. We got 60% off, with 15% off that price for everything we bought. Even the toys were on sale. (Thanks for the tip, Ginny!) We have never gotten prices this good shopping for our grandchildren. Along with hoodies, sweaters and long sleeve shirts, we sent a Star Wars character for each boy and a Pet Shop doll and animal for each girl. We included bags and bags of candy and, of course, candy canes.
The clothing, toys, candy and paper products cost $548.97. The shipping was $230.94. The charge for having a person who works with The Antares Foundation deliver the three boxes is $30. The remaining balance is $220.09. I have asked if it would be possible to have a Christmas Party for the children and what the cost would be. I won't have that answer for about a week or so. I'll let you all know as soon as I get an answer. I'm sure we will have money left. There is a young girl who has Type I diabetes and has to get her insulin here in America. If everyone agrees, we can donate the remaining money for that purpose. Someone traveling for the adoption of their child brings the insulin with them for Diane.
Ken and I can not thank all of you enough for your generous donations. Christmas is traditionally a time of giving, but many do not think of those so much less fortunate than ourselves, our children and grandchildren. Seventeen children from the ages of eight to ten in an orphanage half-way around the world will receive a gift, something brand new just for them, from an American who cared. Puts a smile on our faces, for sure!
Ken and Barb