This is a photo Ken and I received of Nina about six months after we became her sponsors. She looks so much happier than the first picture we had received of her. Knowing someone cares and loves you can make all the difference in the world in the heart of a child.
We have tallied our total through today's mail, and we are proud to say we have received $1030 to provide a beautiful Christmas for the seventeen children in Nina's family, Family #9, from our families and those as close to family as is possible. When we first began our quest, we never even imagined we would receive this amount of money. I know times are hard and we all have less than we did before the change in the financial status of the stock market and the escalation of food prices, clothing and just about every living expense we all incur. I knew Ken's and my family would come through for these orphans, as we all have first hand knowledge of what life in an orphanage is like for these children. We commend you all for your response to our plea. As my brother, Tim, asked me, "How much are you going to beg?" And my answer to him was, "As much as it takes." It certainly didn't take much. You all jumped on the band wagon and did more than your part.
All the needed gifts have been purchased. I have to make one more shopping trip for candy and wrapping paper. Then the wrapping begins. I even found a picture of Father Frost (Kaz's version of Santa) and The Snowmaiden (his helper) and made labels with their pictures for the packages. The boxes get mailed next week!!
Thank you just is not enough. We have always been able to count on our families, but this response has been overwhelming to us. As a piece of our hearts is with each child living in an orphanage world-wide, especially these older children whose chance of adoption is far less, we are so proud of all of you for caring. They will know someone cares and that alone will make all the difference in the world in the heart of each of these children.
God bless,
Ken and Barb

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